Categoria: Implantologia
Autores: Duarte F., Ramos C., Silva JN.
Referência: Immediate function with four Zygomatic implants in patients with extreme maxillary atrophy – Case Series
Journal of Surgery, Periodontology and Implant Research | 2019 – 1(2):51-55
ISSN: 2184-4232 (versão online ) e 2184-4208 (versão impressa)
Resumo: Zygomatic implants have been in use since the 1990’s for the treatment of patients with severely resorbed maxillae. Eliminating grafting combined with immediate function increases patient acceptance.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a protocol for immediate function with fixed prostheses for patients with extreme maxillary atrophy, treated with four zygomatic implants (S.I.N.-Implant System, São Paulo, Brazil).
Quadrilex – Técnica para reabilitação de maxilas severamente atróficas
Os implantes zygoma foram concebidos, originalmente…
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