Categoria: Implantology
Autores: Fernando Duarte, Luis Pinheiro, Carina Ramos and João Neves Silva
Referência: Graft-Less Solution for Extreme Atrophic Maxilla: Zygomatic and Short Implants Combined – Case Series
Scientific Archives Of Dental Sciences | 2020 – 3(7): 20-25
ISSN: 2642-1623
Resumo: Background: Zygomatic implants have been in use since the 1990’s for the treatment of patients with severely resorbed posterior
maxilla. In the anterior premaxilla the viability and high success rate seen with short implants reinforce their choice. The combination
of these two implants solutions may allow eliminating grafting and immediate function.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate a protocol for immediate function with fixed prostheses for patients with extreme
maxillary atrophy, treated with two zygomatic implants (S.I.N.-Implant System, São Paulo, Brazil) combined with 2 short implants
(S.I.N.-Implant System, São Paulo, Brazil).
Materials and Methods: This prospective clinical study included 12 patients with 48 immediately loaded implants (24 zygomatic
implants and 24 short implants) with fixed provisional acrylic prosthesis attached 5 to 6 hours after surgery.
Results: The patients’ follow-up was from 12 to 60 months. Two short implants failed (implant survival rate 92%), none of the zygomatic
implants failed (implant survival rate 100%). There were no complications such as sinusitis, hygiene maintenance or speech
Discussion: The results support the hypothesis that immediate function with two zygomatic implants combined with two short
implants is a viable concept. The clinical success for these patients was enhanced by the shorter time span of the treatment process
and the immediate rehabilitation in a comfortable manner as compared to grafting based procedures.
Conclusion: The high survival rate, the increase of patients’ demand in immediate functional ability and the less morbidity following
the surgical procedure renders this immediate function procedure a viable treatment option of the resorbed fully edentulous maxilla.
Quadrilex – Técnica para reabilitação de maxilas severamente atróficas
Os implantes zygoma foram concebidos, originalmente…
Fenda Palatina Alveolar Unilateral – Reabilitação com Implantes Zygoma
A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica, comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.