Categoria: Implantologia
Autores: Duarte F, Silva JN, Pinheiro L, Ramos C
Referência: Design and biomechanical comparison between classic and new-generation of zygomatic implants – Experimental study
Journal of Surgery, Periodontology and Implant Research | 2022 – 3(1): 33-37
Materials and Methods: Classic and new-generation of zygomatic implants have been subjected to dynamic fatigue loading tests performed in accordance with ISO 14801:2007 and ISO 14801:2016 standards.
Results: The “% of Reference Load versus Number of Cycles” curves show that classicgeneration zygomatic implants can resist up to 30,0% of reference load during 5 ´ 106 mechanic loading cycles, whereas the new-generation zygomatic implants can resist up to 66,6% of the reference load during 5 ´ 106 mechanic loading cycles. Whereas classic-generation zygomatic implants only show rupture in the screw region of the implant, new-generation zygomatic implants show either implant or screw rupture.
Conclusion: The new-generation zygomatic implants have shown promising biomechanical properties in dynamic loading tests. They can support twice the amount of reference load (66,0% against 30,0%) when compared with classic-generation zygomatic implants.
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