Categoria: Implantologia
Autores: Fernando Duarte, Carina Ramos, Juan Santos-Marino, Natalia Martínez-Rodriguez, Cristina Barona-Dorado and José María Martínez-González
Referência: Bone Resorption Assessment Following Zygomatic Implants Surgery over 10 Years of Follow-Up
Journal of Clinical Medicine | 2025, 14, 989
The presence of sufficient bone volumes is one of the most important criteria for the success of oral implant osseointegration. Therefore, the rehabilitation of edentulous atrophic maxillae represents the greatest challenge in terms of oral rehabilitation. Techniques such as bone grafts, angled implants, short implants, tuberosity, and pterygoid implants may not always be a viable alternative in the subsequent rehabilitation of the posterior atrophic maxilla. A breakthrough occurred when Brånemark first introduced longer, custom-designed implants inserted into the zygomatic bone to support craniofacial prosthesis in the 1980s. When used in the treatment of atrophic jaws, zygomatic implants provide a safe and effective alternative, with stable long-term results.
Quadrilex – Técnica para reabilitação de maxilas severamente atróficas
Os implantes zygoma foram concebidos, originalmente…
Fenda Palatina Alveolar Unilateral – Reabilitação com Implantes Zygoma
A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica, comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.