Category: Implantology
Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C.
Reference: Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry (Ed. Port.) 2006; 1(1):34-39
Abstract: For some 40 years, osseointegration has been clinically applied in both the maxilla and the mandible. Immediate-function Brånemark System® Implants have become an accepted alternative for fixed restorations in total edentulous patients, based on documented high success rates.
The purpose of this paper was to develop and document a different and effective surgical and prosthetic protocol for immediate function of ten Brånemark System® implants supporting fixed prostheses in completely edentulous patients: the “All-on-Ten” concept.
New Alternative in Oral Rehabilitation – Quadrilex
Zygoma implants were originally conceded for a two stages protocol with a 6 months waiting period…
Zygoma Implants – Rehabilitation Limits
The rehabilitation of the severely atrophied edentulous maxilla, poses a great challenge to surgeons and prosthodontics …
Unilateral Alveolar Palate Cleft – Zygoma Implant Rehabilitation
The rehabilitation of the severely atrophied edentulous maxilla, poses a great challenge to surgeons and prosthodontics that work …