Categoria: Medicina Oral
Autores: Duarte F., Ramos C.
Referência: Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry (Ed. Port.) 2007 – 1(4): 41-44
Resumo: O quisto da região globulomaxilar é encontrado exclusivamente na maxila, no interior do osso maxilar, nomeadamente na junção da porção globular do processo nasal mediano com o processo maxilar, a designada fissura globulomaxilar; geralmente entre o incisivo lateral superior e o canino. Possui a forma de pêra invertida, radiotransparente e circundado por um halo esclerótico, os dentes adjacentes possuem vitalidade. Os casos clínicos apresentados referem-se a dois pacientes do sexo masculino, 38 e 49 anos respectivamente, que recorreram à nossa consulta. Os pacientes foram submetidos a cirurgia sob anestesia geral para quistectomia, com consequente exame anátomo-patológico. O resultado anátomo-patológico confirmou achados histológicos consistentes com quisto da região globulomaxilar, provavelmente, um quisto residual.
Evaluation of occlusal force changes in orthognathic surgery using force-sensing sensors in 3 years of follow-up
The aim of this study was to test a prototype device called occlusal force diagnostic system in relation to occlusal force adaptation following orthognathic surgery.
Anatomic and functional masseter muscle adaptation following orthognathic surgery—MRI analysis in 3 years of follow-up
Orthodontic and surgical technical advances in recent years have resulted in treatment opportunities for a whole range of craniofacial skeletal …
Evaluation of Pressure Changes in Orthognathic Surgery using Pressurex® in 3 Years of Follow-up
Despite its importance, the measurement of pressure in orthognathic surgery often receives little attention. Pressurex® (SPL – Sensor Products LLC, USA) is one of a few pressureindicating sensor films that reveals pressure distribution and magnitude between any two contacting, mating or impacting surfaces, and is currently viewed as a golden standard for that purpose. This study was designed to test Pressurex® in orthognathic surgery.
Occlusal Force Diagnostic System – A Device for Clinical Application in Orthognathic Surgery
This research project was designed to apply several, newly developed and more sophisticated methods of measuring muscle structure and function to a situation where adaptation of muscle is pivotal to the success of a therapeutic approach, as is the case with orthognathic surgery.
Bio-Modelling Reconstruction Based on MRI Image Acquisition and there Application in Orthognathic Surgery
Categoria: Cirurgia Ortognática Autores: Duarte F., Silva JN., Ramos C. and Hopper C. Referência: Bio-Modelling Reconstruction Based on MRI Image Acquisition and there Application in Orthognathic SurgeryJournal of Clinical and Medical Images | 2023; V7(10):...
Extreme maxillary bone reconstruction with CERASORB Bioactive – a case report
Categoria: Reconstrução Óssea Autores: Fernando Duarte, DDS, MSc, MSc, Carina Ramos, DDS Referência: Extreme maxillary bone reconstruction with CERASORB Bioactive—a case reportImplants international magazine of oral implantology| Vol. 24 • Issue 4/2023ISSN: 1868-3207...
Oberkieferknochenrekonstruktion mit B-TCP-basiertem Knochenersatzmaterial
Categoria: Reconstrução Óssea Autores: Fernando Duarte, DDS, MSc, MSc, Carina Ramos, DDS Referência: Oberkieferknochenrekonstruktion mit B-TCP-basiertem KnochenersatzmaterialImplantologie Journal | 09-2023:20-26 Abstract:Das ossifizierende Fibrom (OF) wird als...
Nova mensagem de Clitrofa – Consulta de Avaliação Implantologia
Consulta de Avaliação Implantes Zigomáticos NOME: Ivanete CONTACTO: 11 987333774 EMAIL:
Nova mensagem de Clitrofa – Consulta Facetas e Lentes de Contacto Dentárias
NOME: Maikon CONTACTO: 963980162 EMAIL: TRATAMENTO PRETENDIDO: Faceta ou lente
Nova mensagem de Clitrofa – Consulta de Avaliação Implantologia
NOME: Gabriela Soares CONTACTO: 914180693 EMAIL: